Andrew Horton

Technology Marketing Executive | AI Authority | Decision Theory Expert

About Andrew Horton

Tech Marketing Executive | AI Authority | Decision Theory Expert

Andrew Horton is an award-winning technology marketing executive, authority on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and expert in economic decision theory. His pioneering research gave rise to the innovative areas of Causal Economic Machine Learning (CEML) and Causal Economics (CE), which focus on the optimal relationship between human and artificial decision making. Both of these fields have been published in leading peer-reviewed academic journals.

Andrew serves as President of the Human AI Association. He is head of marketing at leading global technology company Teknicor, driving growth in data center infrastructure, cybersecurity, cloud, SaaS and apps. Andrew is a best-selling author of popular business books on effective decision making.

He holds an advanced degree in economics from Western University and an MBA from The Ivey School of Business.

Let’s Talk More …

Dig deeper into Human AI / Causal Economic Machine Learning, Causal Economic Decision Theory